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We're here, we're queer, and we have a few things to say.


Hi There!

Husneya Nasim


Uh... Hey There, I Guess?

Introductions are pretty stressful – and I know I'm not the only person who thinks so. It's a lot of pressure to leave a good first impression that makes you seem likable and interesting, so that people want to keep being around you. The same thought process applies to a blog, right?

To get this show on the road, welcome to St. Jerome's Gender-Sexuality Alliance: Prism (*queue jazz hands*). We're a (small) group of university students based at (you guessed it) St. Jerome's University, within the University of Waterloo. Prism is a supportive community for queer and questioning students at SJU, committed to discussion and education about LGBTQ+ issues. We've been in operation for a grand total of two and a half years now and have decided to start up a blog (I mean, obviously you knew that because you're reading this right now...).

As we move forward and continue to grow as a group, Prism is hoping to expand and touch on more subjects that may not be deemed directly as LGBTQ+ issues (can I get a heck yeah for intersectionality?), but still affect the queer community such as mental and sexual health. This blog is hopefully going to be the birthplace of some of these new discussions as well as a platform for LGBTQ+ education and growth.

So, every time a month goes by you'll be hearing from us, here on this blog. I hope you'll stick around long enough to learn something new or expand your knowledge on something you already knew a bit about. Until next time, remember: we're queer and we're here and we won't disappear.

P.S. I've never run a real blog before (unless you count my ~cool~ tumblr I made in like 2012) so please spare me as I get into the groove of writing posts.

*Anyone else ever think about why "queue" is spelled like 'quew-uew' when it's literally just pronounced like the letter 'Q'? … just me?

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